Playlist feature for Netflix application

manon boissinot
5 min readJan 9, 2021

This week of training, I had the opportunity to put into practice my knowledge in UX and UI to do a project alone on a proposed brief. The challenge proposed by Ironhack was to create a new feature for an application of my choice. I chose to work for Netflix, on how I could integrate a new playlist feature. This new feature would allow you to create your own playlists, to be able to classify the films you have already seen or would like to see again according to your mood, your desires.

Users research

Netflix which I think you know, is a platform that offers lot of films, series, documentaries and online shows. In few statistics, we can quickly understant that Netflix is a leader in streaming markets. It is used by many of us in a daily life.

After some analysis about Netflix’s competitors and the different features that could be present on interesting plaforms for my project, I decided to interview people about their use of Netflix to better understand their needs.

I was able to get some very interesting information. Netflix is often used on a daily basis. Most of them would like to have the possibility to create a playlist only if they can exchange this with their friends or family. They like to be able to give each other ideas for films or series and to exchange. The playlist would thus allow them to have recommendations that are more likely to please them and to rank them according to their tastes.

Thanks to my interviews, I synthesized the ideas using the Affinity Map Method to better focus on my project.


  • Persona

Then, it was interesting for me to create some tools like a persona to better understand the hesitation, aspirations or the needs to developp my project.

Thanks to the persona, I defined Céline as a nostalgic and curious person who loves to discover new films and likes to share her discoveries with her friends.

  • User journey

I created Céline’s user journey to better understand the negative and positive points, her emotions, she could encounter when she wanted to find a film to see. After her day’s work, Celine wants to watch a movie but she has no idea. She searches for a long time on the Netflix platform but finds nothing. She decides to write to a friend for ideas but no answer. She then takes a thriller that Netflix recommended to her. In the end, she is disappointed because the film does not correspond to her tastes and it was not a thriller according to her.

  • Problem statement and hypothesis

Thanks to theses different methods, I have determined the problem statement and hypothesis to continue my project.

  • Moscow method

Then, I used Moscow method to prioritize my concepts.


  • User flow

The first step to develop my projet was to create the user flow drawing. I was able to understand the different elements that I needed to create my app.

  • Low-fidelity prototype

I quickly drew my ideas and then gave a first visualization of my concept. So I realized my low-fidelity prototype to understand what this feature could look like, how the user could navigate between screens.

  • Mid-fidelity prototype and users testing

After these initial stages of development, I created my mid-fidelity prototype to work on the ergonomics of my application.

It was interesting to be able to test my prototype with users to get feedbacks and improve my concept. It helps me to understand how I can have a better concept and to develop a prototype that will better meet people’s needs.

  • High-fidelity prototype and users testing

Thanks to the high-fidelity prototype, that I created I was able to give a better visualization to my idea and improve some interactions.

To conclude

I would very much like to improve this new playlist feature. I’d like to add more screens to show the content of the playlists, also give the possibility to not necessarily have images for your playlist but have the default movie posters as Spotify offers with the music and also show how you can share playlists with friends and family.

To conclude, creating this high fidelity prototype allowed me to progress on figma very quickly, to be rigorous and organised in my work to meet the very short deadline and make a new feature that fits with Netflix’s brand identity.

I am ready for the next challenge !



manon boissinot

Designer able to use her skills to focus on the user.